
Database column encryption postgres

How to encrypt column in postgres database using pgcrypto addon ?

I am using postgres 9.3 and i need to encrypt one of my column , does postgres also support Aes encryption or by any mean i can achieve it ?


  • Yes, Postgres pgcrypto module does support AES. All details with examples can be found here. As for the sample usage:

    -- add extension
    CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;
    -- sample DDL
    CREATE TABLE test_encrypt(
      value TEXT
    INSERT INTO test_encrypt VALUES ('testvalue');
    -- encrypt value
    WITH encrypted_data AS (
      SELECT crypt('PasswordToEncrypt0',gen_salt('md5')) as hashed_value
    UPDATE test_encrypt SET value = (SELECT hashed_value FROM encrypted_data);

    Validate password:

    SELECT (value = crypt('PasswordToEncrypt0', value)) AS match FROM test_encrypt;


    (1 row)