
Meteor Velocity Jasmine: Prevent beforeEach Global Scope Across Describes

In my Meteor app, I have a form at /join with a disabled button. I test this disabled state with the following integration test file:

// tests/jasmine/client/integration/user/

describe 'user', ->

  describe 'join', ->

    beforeEach ->
      Router.go 'join_path'

    it 'is unsubmittable by default', ->
      expect($('#join-submit')).toHaveAttr 'disabled', 'disabled'

I also have a form at /signup with a disabled button. I test that disabled state with this additional integration test file:

// tests/jasmine/client/integration/user/

describe 'user', ->

  describe 'signup', ->

    beforeEach ->
      Router.go 'signup_path'

    it 'is unsubmittable by default', ->
      expect($('#signup-submit')).toHaveAttr 'disabled', 'disabled'

Both tests pass independently of each other (i.e. when only one file exists). However, the user.signup test only passes in absense of the user.join test, I assume due to the way Meteor executes the files in order by filename.

It seems like beforeEach has global scope, and the one from user.join is overriding the one in user.signup, causing the sign up test to execute on the wrong route and fail. Any idea why this is, or how to lock it down to local scope?



  • The problem was Iron Router. Refer to the following article for resolution: