
How to get the href attribute value using enlive

I am a new to Clojure and enlive.

I have html like this

<SPAN CLASS="f10"><A HREF="value1" title="...." TARGET="detail">....</A></SPAN></DIV><DIV CLASS="p5"><SPAN CLASS="f10"><A HREF="value2" title="..." TARGET="detail">.....</A></SPAN>

I tried this

(html/select (fetch-url base-url) [:span.f10 [:a (html/attr? :href)]]))

but it returns this

({:tag :a,
  {:target "detail",
  :content ("....")}
 {:tag :a,
  {:target "detail",

What i want is just value1 and value 2 in the output. How can i accomplish it ?


  • select returns the matched nodes, but you still need to extract their href attributes. To do that, you can use attr-values:

    (mapcat #(html/attr-values % :href)
          (html/select (html/html-resource "sample.html") [:span.f10 (html/attr? :href)]))