I am using datatables plugin and using this for click:
$('.datatable').on('click', 'img#openpli-playlist', function(e) {
alert("You clicked OPENPLI ICON!");
Now I need to use jQuery plugin longclick and using this:
$('.datatable').longClick(function(e) {
alert("You clicked OPENPLI ICON!");
So the problem is how can I add selector to longclick I try this for selector but is not working:
$('.datatable img#openpli-playlist').longClick(function(e) {
alert("You clicked OPENPLI ICON!");
Can someone give me solution why is this not working?
Simple fix will be:
var tmr = 0;
$(element).mousedown(function () {
tmr = setTimeout(function () {
alert("You clicked for 1 second! Wow!");
}, 1000);
}).mouseup(function () {
Now this can be used in delegation too:
var tmr = 0;
$(static_parent).on("mousedown", element, function () {
tmr = setTimeout(function () {
alert("You clicked for 1 second! Wow!");
}, 1000);
}).on("mouseup", element, function () {
Your solution:
var tmr = 0;
$('.datatable').on('mousedown', 'img#openpli-playlist', function(e) {
tmr = setTimeout(function () {
alert("You clicked OPENPLI ICON!");
}, 1000);
}).on('mouseup', 'img#openpli-playlist', function(e) {
As an improvement to previous answers, you can distinguish between click and long press in this way:
var tmr = 0;
var islong = 0;
.mousedown(function () {
tmr = setTimeout(function () {
// Handle the long-press
alert("You clicked for 1 second!");
console.log("You clicked for 1 second!");
islong = 1;
}, 1000);
.mouseup(function () {
if (islong == 0) {
// Handle the click
alert("This is a click!");
console.log("This is a click!");
islong = 0;