I'm trying to build to build a snowplow kinesis app from here -
I have cloned the branch by doing
$ git clone -b kinesis-redshift-dripfeed git://github.com/DigdeepDigital/snowplow.git
$ git clone git://github.com/snowplow/snowplow.git
as the build instructions state.
but when I run
$ cd 4-storage/kinesis-redshift-sink
$ sbt compile
I get an error -
module not found: com.snowplowanalytics#snowplow-hadoop-shred_2.10;0.4.0
I'm not familiar enough with this to be able to troubleshoot easily. Can anyone help me out?
This was answered here.
For posterity, the solution is:
$ cd 3-enrich/scala-hadoop-shred
$ sbt publishLocal
This builds the version of the scala-hadoop-shred jar specific to that branch and puts it in the ~/.ivy2 directory.