
Where to find good resources to learn XAML?

I'm looking for (online) resources to learn/lookup XAML constructs.

Can you recommend any good blogs, tutorials, references for XAML?


  • Some more links for knowing about XAML -

    How XAML works : http://www.i-programmer.info/programming/wpf-workings/446-how-xaml-works.html

    The New Iteration(A must read whitepaper): http://windowsclient.net/wpf/white-papers/thenewiteration.aspx

    It is also good to have knowledge of BAML(Compiled version of XAML)

    B is for... BAML: Link

    Compiled XAML = BAML not IL

    It may be a little high level but you must know the basic guidelines/conventions (in case you work on a commercial project later):

    XAML Guidelines : http://www.cookingwithxaml.com/content/xamlguidelines/xamlGuidelinesDraft0.pdf

    XAML Conventions: http://groups.google.com/group/wpf-disciples/web/wpf-and-xaml-coding-guidelines

    XAML guidelines and best practices: http://www.85turns.com/2009/02/09/xaml-guidelines-and-best-practices/comment-page-1/#comment-1419