I have a couple of x86 machines connected through a direct 10GbE connection. Interfaces are up and working (i.e. the machines can ping each other). Both machines run CentOS Linux.
I need to setup ptpd to synchronize the machines in order to get timestamps with a microsecond timing resolution.
I have:
file (putting one machine as masteronly
and the other as slaveonly
)service ptpd2 start
The ptpd components communicate (verified either through through tcpdump
and the ptp log files). Moreover, the /var/log/ptpd2_kernelclock.drift
file shows the measured dritf.
However, date
shows that times are not synchronized and a simple client-server test shows that timestamps are not synchronized.
Any idea what is wrong ?
The only solution we've found has been to reinstall ptpd through yum
. For some (very weird) reason, re-installing ptpd with the same configuration file solved the wrong behavior.