
How to remove "My Wish List" and "Compare Products" blocks from Magento 2.0 Luma template?

I have spent a lot of hours trying to remove "My Wish List" and "Compare Products" blocks from Luma template. Besides, I need to change and remove some of the bottom links.

I cannot find where to modify. Can you help me, please?



  • I've tried following step it worked for me.

    1. My Wish List

    For wish List you need to remove it via Admin > Stores > Configuration > Customers > Wish list > General Options make to enabled to no and then save it.

    2. Compare Product

    Here you need to do some coding level changes. follow me

    Go to vendor > magento > theme-frontend-luma > Magento_Catalog > layout > default.xml

    Open this file find this tag "" and before body end tag put the following code

    <referenceBlock name="" remove="true"/>

    Make sure this will remove compare product from category product listing however you can uses this to any layout.

    Once you done with this don't forget to clearing cache if enable otherwise you will not get desirable output.

    Let me know if you have still any query