
How to link to Update page for our app

We prompt users to upgrade their app if they're running an outdated version. When users tap our update button, I use openURL with an address like itms:// to load the App Store app to the listing for our app.

With that method, however, the resulting screen has a button labeled "Open" not "Update." If users open the App Store app first, then navigate to our app's listing (or go to the update tab), the button is labeled "Update."

Can I pass the current version as a querystring parameter in the openURL call or is there another way to make sure the Update button is shown? I cannot find current documentation on how to do so. (Everything I find is a few years old and refers to the discontinued phobos tool.)


  • I would recommend you to try SKStoreProductViewController class. iTunes item identifier can be found in -> My Apps -> Apple ID.


    func openStoreProductWithiTunesItemIdentifier(identifier: String) {
        let storeViewController = SKStoreProductViewController()
        storeViewController.delegate = self
        let parameters = [ SKStoreProductParameterITunesItemIdentifier : identifier]
        storeViewController.loadProductWithParameters(parameters) { [weak self] (loaded, error) -> Void in
            if loaded {
                // Parent class of self is UIViewContorller
                self?.presentViewController(storeViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
    func productViewControllerDidFinish(viewController: SKStoreProductViewController) {
        viewController.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
    // Usage


    - (void)openStoreProductViewControllerWithITunesItemIdentifier:(NSInteger)iTunesItemIdentifier {
        SKStoreProductViewController *storeViewController = [[SKStoreProductViewController alloc] init];
        storeViewController.delegate = self;
        NSNumber *identifier = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:iTunesItemIdentifier];
        NSDictionary *parameters = @{ SKStoreProductParameterITunesItemIdentifier:identifier };
        UIViewController *viewController = [self topViewController];
        [storeViewController loadProductWithParameters:parameters
                                       completionBlock:^(BOOL result, NSError *error) {
                                           if (!result) {
                                               NSLog(@"SKStoreProductViewController: %@", error);
        [viewController presentViewController:storeViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
        [storeViewController release];