
Gulp: Read content from disk to insert into a template

I want to read in a template, then read in zero or more files that contain content to inject into the template. The template and content are all in Markdown. From a small amount of reasearch it looks like Swig will provide a lightweight markup that I can use

The resulting function will look something like this:

function assembleCharacterDocument(slug) {
  return gulp.src('./templates/')
    .pipe(files2obj(['characters/'+slug+'/*.md'])) // read content for the character
    .pipe(swig()) // == require('gulp-swig'); inject content into template 
    .pipe(md2pdf()) // convert Markdown to PDF - outside scope of this question

Since Swig takes a plain-old object for its replacement data, I want each file that comes in to have its filename as its key in the object. So, for example, my replacement data object will look something like this:

  "bio": content of characters/{slug}/,
  "profile": content of characters/{slug}/,
  "timeline": content of characters/{slug}/,

What is the content of files2obj()?


  • I ended up forgoing Gulp piping and just used the fs filesystem methods directly to fulfill my task. (Dependencies omitted for brevity.)

    var templatePath = './templates/';
    var sourcePath = path.join("characters",charSlug);
    var targetCombinedMarkdownPath = path.join('products',charSlug+'.md');
    fs.readdir(sourcePath,function (err, files) {
      if (err) { throw err; }
      var data = {};
      files.forEach(function(f) {
        var check = /^(.*).md$/.exec(f);
        if (check) {
          data[check[1]] = fs.readFileSync(path.join(sourcePath,f),'utf8');
      var engine = swig.compileFile(templatePath);
      var combined = engine(data);
      fs.writeFileSync(targetCombinedMarkdownPath, combined);
        title: || "CHARACTER NAME MISSING",
        source: [targetCombinedMarkdownPath],
        targetFilename: charSlug