
Error while cmaking curlpp

I am trying to cmake curlpp using Cmake version 3.4.1 and I get an error in cmake saying: " Error in configuration process [...]". So all I did is in cmake-gui open the curlpp source (version 0.7.3), selected the destination folder and chose mingw. Here is the output in the gui

It said Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "C:/c++/libraries/curlpp_built/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". CMakeOutput.log

I setup CMake correctly and I could compile glfw library.


  • Quoting the relevant part of the output

    CMake Error at src/utilspp/CMakeLists.txt:4 (add_subdirectory):
    add_subdirectory given source "singleton" which is not an existing

    The project's CMakeLists.txt in src/utilspp is broken.

    The bug is already reported in curlpp's issue tracker:

    You can work around this bug by removing line 4 from src/utilspp/CMakeLists.txt it should contain something like add_subdirectory(singleton). If you are lucky, everything works; but other errors might pop up.