
GPars is part of Groovy but not in the API docs? Why can't I import?

It says that GPars has been incorporated into Groovy. If so, why can't I find it in the API documentation for Groovy? Why is it that my import statements don't seem to be working? I see the library in my Groovy distro:

user@box /opt/stuff/groovy $ find . -name "*gpars*"
user@box /opt/stuff/groovy $


  • gpars is indeed shipped with groovy distribution - as you can see under $GROOVY_HOME/lib - but it's still a separate library.

    If you use groovysh or groovyConsole, gpars is automatically added to classpath and ready to use.

    However if you need to use gpars in a separate application managed by gradle or maven you need to define a dependency to fetch and use gpars