
Sitecore ECM on CD is unable to find a campaign by ID (different core databases)

I am getting the following exception when clicking on an ECM email link that points to content delivery server,

Campaign with ID {} has not been found.
Source: Sitecore.EmailCampaign at Sitecore.Modules.EmailCampaign.Core.EmailResponse.HandleEmailLinkClickResponse(String link, Guid campaignId, Guid automationStateId)

It all works if I change the URL from CD host to CM host.

Sitecore 7.1 with E-mail Campaign Manager 2.1 rev. 140214 CM and CD are configured to use different core databases.

Is there anyway to get ECM working in this configuration?


  • Needed to publish two folders with children,

    /sitecore/system/Marketing Center/Campaigns /sitecore/content/Home/Email Campaign Manager/Messages/