
thread safety when using spring WebServiceTemplate and Jaxb2Marshaller

I am using spring WebServiceTemplate as a web service client programmatically i.e. without instantiating a spring container. I am using Jaxb2Marshaller for marshaling/unmarshaling. In my application, I create a single instance of the SaajSoapMessageFactory and one instance of Jaxb2Marshaller. I also create a single instance of the WebServiceTemplate and assign the previously created instances of SaajSoapMessageFactory and Jaxb2Marshaller.

The WebServiceTemplate I created is used in a multi threaded way i.e. multiple threads can call marshalSendAndReceive at the same time. My question is - is my configuration thread safe? I am concerned about the Jaxb2Marshaller. The javadoc says Jaxb2Marshallers are not necessarily thread safe. How can I use the Jaxb2Marshaller in a thread safe way without reinitializing the Jaxb context?

As an aside: looking at the example spring-ws configuration in the spring reference leads me to believe that the Jaxb2Marshaller is thread safe but the Javadoc seems to contradict that.


  • The javadoc for Jaxb2Marshaller makes no mention of thread-safety one way or another, so I'm not sure why you think it's not. If it wasn't thread-safe, the javadoc would say that very clearly.

    Your configuration of WebServiceTemplate, SaajSoapMessageFactory and Jaxb2Marshaller singletons is perfectly fine, and entirely thread-safe.