I'm using StringTemplate 4.0.8 with Java.
In the StringTemplate-4 documentation, it says that
Dictionary strings can also be templates that can refer to attributes that will become visible via dynamic scoping of attributes once the dictionary value has been embedded within a template.
How exactly do I do that? Can I do something like this:
output(input) ::= "The output is: <aDicitionary.input>"
aDictionary ::= [
"aCertainKey": **HERE** i want the value to be <input>,
default:"doesnt matter"
So that output("someKey")
results in The output is: someValue
and output(aCertainKey)
results in "The output is: aCertainKey". If so, how exactly would the syntax look like?
I know that I could achieve the same by just not passing an input in one case and then checking if I have an input or not. But that would result in a lot of if's on the Java side which I
To use a dynamic dictionary entry:
output(input) ::= <%The output is: <aDicitionary.(input)>%>
Use no quotes around the template and put input
in parentheses to evaluate it.
To have dynamic content in a dictionary (the subject of the cited block):
aDictionary ::= [
"aCertainKey": {input from scope <inputFromScope>},
default:"doesnt matter"
Use braces around the keys and variable (or template) references inside. Now calling
<output(input="aCertainKey", inputFromScope="myInput")>
will output
The output is: input from scope myInput