
onConfigurationChanged is not getting triggered

I have to detect when the configuration has changed. I have put the configChanges conditions in the manifest


There are no setRequestedOrientation in the activity or in any fragment. Here is the code for configuration change:

public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {
    Toast.makeText(this, "activity rotated", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


  • The reason for the rotation not being detected was because I had set the device rotation to portrait (canceled autorotate) on my mobile phone. This prevented my app from rotating. Found the answer here: onConfigurationChanged not getting called

    The way to override this preference set by the user is to add the following code to the manifest as answered here: onConfigurationChanged is not getting called any time in android


    Now the app rotates based on the sensor input and onConfigurationChanged is triggered. I hope this answer helps others get rid of this potential bug.