I want to disconnect from RabbitMQ in a proper way. By reviewing the source code of Perl's AnyEvent::RabbitMQ (which I am using), I found the close
method which seems to close all the channels opened to RabbitMQ.
So I
method on the AnyEvent::RabbitMQ
instance (not the ::Channel
instance)The connection seems to be closed but the RabbitMQ logs shows that the "AMQP connection" was "connection_closed_abruptly".
Here is the complete RabbitMQ log for that connection:
=INFO REPORT==== 14-Jan-2016::10:02:15 ===
accepting AMQP connection <0.10868.0> ( ->
=WARNING REPORT==== 14-Jan-2016::10:02:16 ===
closing AMQP connection <0.10868.0> ( ->
Here is the sample code:
use strictures 1;
use AnyEvent::RabbitMQ;
use Data::Printer;
my ( $rabbitmq, $rabbitmq_channel );
my $condvar = AnyEvent->condvar;
$rabbitmq = AnyEvent::RabbitMQ->new->load_xml_spec()->connect(
host => '',
port => 5672,
user => 'guest',
pass => 'guest',
vhost => '/',
timeout => 1,
tls => 0,
tune => { heartbeat => 1 },
on_success => sub {
($rabbitmq) = @_;
on_success => sub {
($rabbitmq_channel) = @_;
exchange => 'test_exchange',
type => 'fanout',
on_success => sub {
source => 'test_exchange',
destination => 'test_exchange',
routing_key => '',
on_success => sub {
queue => 'test_queue',
on_success => sub {
queue => 'test_queue',
exchange => 'test_exchange',
routing_key => '',
on_success => sub {
undef $rabbitmq;
on_failure => sub { $condvar->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_failure => sub { $condvar->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_failure => sub { $condvar->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_failure => sub { $condvar->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_failure => sub { $condvar->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_return => sub { $condvar->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_close => sub { $condvar->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_failure => sub { $condvar->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_read_failure => sub { $condvar->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_return => sub { $condvar->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_close => sub { $condvar->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
my $reason = [ $condvar->recv ];
p $reason;
How to disconnect from RabbitMQ properly using Perl's AnyEvent::RabbitMQ
There are indicators of reference cycles. These could keep the structure from being properly destructed.
"my $rabbitmq; $rabbitmq = ...
" yells out the possibility of a reference cycle.
"my $rabbitmq_channel; $rabbitmq_channel = ...
" yells out the possibility of a reference cycle.
is owned by (stored in) $rabbitmq
, but it's also captured by $rabbitmq_channel
's event handlers.
The changes marked <===
replace unacceptable code.
The change marked <---
might be necessary. If $rabbitmq_channel
is undefined in the callbacks, remove this change.
use Scalar::Util qw( weaken );
my $done_cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $rabbitmq = AnyEvent::RabbitMQ->new->load_xml_spec()->connect( # <===
host => '',
port => 5672,
user => 'guest',
pass => 'guest',
vhost => '/',
timeout => 1,
tls => 0,
tune => { heartbeat => 1 },
on_success => sub {
my ($rabbitmq) = @_; # <===
on_success => sub {
my ($rabbitmq_channel) = @_; # <===
{ # <---
my $rabbitmq_channel = weaken($rabbitmq_channel); # <---
exchange => 'test_exchange',
type => 'fanout',
on_success => sub {
source => 'test_exchange',
destination => 'test_exchange',
routing_key => '',
on_success => sub {
queue => 'test_queue',
on_success => sub {
queue => 'test_queue',
exchange => 'test_exchange',
routing_key => '',
on_success => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) }, # <===
on_failure => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_failure => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_failure => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_failure => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
} # <---
on_failure => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_return => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_close => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_failure => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_read_failure => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_return => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
on_close => sub { $done_cv->send( __LINE__, @_ ) },
my $reason = [ $done_cv->recv ];
p $reason;
I hope this helps.