
Docker Exposing ports for Flask API

Problem Statement

I am running a Flask-based API within a Docker container that is exposed on the port 5000, however no requests are even getting to the API.

To reproduce

  1. Get jupyter/all-spark-notebook docker image
  2. Within the Docker container, get any Flask-based API, for reproducibility purposes try (for understanding a very simple Python-based API switch to v0.1 in releases)
  3. Run the Docker using the standard command as described here ( Forget about the notebook part, and only use -p 5000:5000 to get the API preferred port to run. Don't use HTTPS, but do install ssh on the container. (So unless you are using a custom Dockerfile like me, you will need to enable SUDO)
  4. Try to make any request to API (e.g. http GET http://localhost:5000/customers/1) --> this fails and gets different error messages depending
    • whether it is Python based urlib request (IOError: ('http protocol error', 0, 'got a bad status line', None))
    • or HTTPie based (http: error: ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=5000): Max retries exceeded with url: /filterReplies/aaaaa/aaaa (Caused by <class 'http.client.RemoteDisconnected'>: Remote end closed connection without response))
  5. Check logs, where no record of any API request



  • Binding to will bind your app in any interface available, localhost does not. There is one post that describes the difference between localhost and, if I find I will update this post.