I am using a GP-IB card with delphi 10. I cant figure out how to "set up" the install so I can get delphi to communicate with the card.
Card is http://www.contec.com/product.php?id=1146
What are the steps for getting it to communicate with outside device? What dll file do I add? What is a basic 1 button program that would just check if GPIB card was installed?
I hope I am asking this right, I could really use an into to how to do this communication.
I don't want to install this software, but see that help contains functions' description like this
Operation Transmits data. When transmits binary data by VB, use GpTalkExBinary..
Format (C)
DWORD Srlen, Ret;
DWORD * Cmd;
char * Srbuf;
Ret = GpTalkEx(Cmd, &Srlen, Srbuf);
You have to find what DLL do these functions refer to - search in .bas or .h header files. Then translate header file to Delphi (.pas variant might be provided by producer) like this (static import variant)
function GpTalkEx(Cmd: DWord; var Srlen: DWord; Srbuf: PChar):DWord;
cdecl; external 'GPIB.dll'; // I've used arbitrary name
and use functions in your program.