question: 10. Most Frequent Character Write a program that lets the user enter a string and displays the character that appears most frequently in the string.
This is an answer for those who are studying intro to cs with "Starting out with Python" chapter 9 question 10. This question is answered solely with what I have learned in previous chapters of the book. I couldn't find anything similar on this website. This code might be OK for beginners like me, so I want to share it. I know this code looks bad, but it gets job done so... Original code I found on Youtube where it is written in Java, here is a link: sorry for my broken English!)
string = "a11aawww1cccertgft1tzzzzzz1ggg111"
mylist_char = []
mylist_count = []
char = None
count = 0
for ch in string:
temp_char = ch
temp_count = 0
for ch1 in string:
if temp_char == ch1:
temp_count += 1
if temp_count > count:
count = temp_count
char = temp_char
for x in range(len(string)):
for ch in string:
temp_char = ch
temp_count = 0
for ch1 in string:
if temp_char == ch1:
temp_count += 1
if temp_count == count and not(temp_char in mylist_char):
for x in range(len(mylist_char)):
print("Character", mylist_char[x], "occurred", mylist_count[x], "times")
My issue with your solution is that it looks like Java rewritten in Python -- if you want to use Java, use Java. If you want to use Python, take advantage of what it has to offer. I've written a "simple" solution below that doesn't use any sophisticated Python functions (e.g. if I were really writing it, I'd use a defaultdict and a comprehension)
string = "a11aawww1cccertgft1tzzzzzz1ggg111"
dictionary = {}
for character in list(string):
if character in dictionary:
dictionary[character] += 1
dictionary[character] = 1
results = []
for key, value in dictionary.items():
results.append((value, key))
for value, key in reversed(sorted(results)):
print("Character", key, "occurred", value, "times")