
using the <meta> tag with microformats properties

I need to add author and updated properties to my hentry schema to comply with, however, I don't want to display this data on the actual web page. With markup I use the meta tag to provide the required properties if I don't want them to be visible. Can I do this for too? If so how would I write it? Like this?

<meta class="author vcard" content="AUTHOUR NAME">



  • Microformats are HTML in their most basic form, and they perform exactly like HTML does in the wild. If you don't want the content to show while utilizing Microformats you're going to have to use a technique to not show the content on the page.
    NOTE: take caution when doing this, and properly research the technique you use to ensure that you are not breaking document flow utilized by screen readers, other forms of assistive technology, as well as power users and their techniques.
    As mentioned in the comment to the question, you can use display:none, visibility:hidden, and even in some cases text-indent:-9999px, but which is proper for your instance is something you'll have to decide as you work through it.