I am trying to get the value of ViewBag into ClientFooterTemplate as follows:
ClientFooterTemplate("<div style='#= (average > 'ViewBag.FBGLG') ? 'color: \\#FF0000;' : '' #'>#:average#</div>");
Does not work?
To check the Template I used:
ClientFooterTemplate("<div style='#= (average > 7) ? 'color: \\#FF0000;' : '' #'>#:average#</div>");
Works great.
I tried:
#=ViewBag.FBGLG'# , '@ViewBag.FBGLG', and ViewBag.FBGLG.
None worked!!
Would appreciate your suggestions.
I got the answer from Telerik Support, here it is just in case someone else has the same issue: It should be
(average > "+ ViewBag.FBGLG +")