I have a sframe like:
x = sf.SFrame({'users': [{'123': 1.0, '122': 5},
{'134': 3.0, '123': 10}]})
I want to convert into scipy.sparse csr_matrix without invoking graphlab create, but only using sframe and Python.
How to do it?
Assuming you want the row number to be the row index in the output sparse matrix, the only tricky step is using SFrame.stack
- from there you should be able to construct a csr_matrix
import sframe as sf
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
x = sf.SFrame({'users': [{'123': 1.0, '122': 5},
{'134': 3.0, '123': 10}]})
x = x.add_row_number('row_id')
x = x.stack('users')
A = csr_matrix((x['X3'], (x['row_id'], x['X2'])),
shape=(2, 135))
I'm also hard-coding the dimension of the matrix here, but that's probably something you'd want to figure out programmtically.