I'm trying to read a binary file with the following code:
open(F, "<$file") || die "Can't read $file: $!\n";
$data = <F>;
close F;
open (D,">debug.txt");
print D $data;
close D;
The input file is 16M; the debug.txt is only about 400k. When I look at debug.txt in emacs, the last two chars are ^A^C (SOH and ETX chars, according to notepad++) although that same pattern is present in the debug.txt. The next line in the file does have a ^O (SI) char, and I think that's the first occurrence of that particular character.
How can I read in this entire file?
If you really want to read the whole file at once, use slurp mode. Slurp mode can be turned on by setting $/
(which is the input record separator) to undef
. This is best done in a separate block so you don't mess up $/
for other code.
my $data;
open my $input_handle, '<', $file or die "Cannot open $file for reading: $!\n";
binmode $input_handle;
local $/;
$data = <$input_handle>;
close $input_handle;
open $output_handle, '>', 'debug.txt' or die "Cannot open debug.txt for writing: $!\n";
binmode $output_handle;
print {$output_handle} $data;
close $output_handle;
Use my $data
for a lexical and our $data
for a global variable.