
Django App Engine Installation CommandError Issue

I've been following the installation guide on django app engine doc.
I had unzip each module and place them in a directory as suchenter image description here
Next, I entered the startproject cmd.

    PYTHONPATH=. python django/bin/ startproject --name=app.yaml --template=djangoappengine/conf/project_template myapp .  

But a CommandError will occurred enter image description here

I tried editing the startproject line by removing the final ".". This works but a new folder named "myapp" with the path test/myapp/ is created. I don't think that is should be the correct project structure. Shouldn't all the necessary files be in the root folder of test/ ?


  • I realised the problems lies with the DS_Store file that is created by Mac. Hence writing the code below will delete those files which will solve the problem.

        find . -name '*.DS_Store' -type f -delete