Since sodium has been deprecated by the author I'm trying to port my code to reactive-banana. However, there seem to be some incongruencies between the two that I'm having a hard time overcomming.
For example, in sodium it was easy to retrieve the current value of a behaviour:
retrieve :: Behaviour a -> IO a
retrieve b = sync $ sample b
I don't see how to do this in reactive-banana
(The reason I want this is because I'm trying to export the behaviour as a dbus property. Properties can be queried from other dbus clients)
Edit: Replaced the word "poll" as it was misleading
The answer seems to be "it's sort of possible".
sample corresponds to valueB, but there is no direct equivalent to sync.
However, it can be re-implemented with the help of execute:
module Sync where
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.IORef
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
data Network = Network { eventNetwork :: EventNetwork
, run :: MomentIO () -> IO ()
newNet :: IO Network
newNet = do
-- Create a new Event to handle MomentIO actions to be executed
(ah, call) <- newAddHandler
network <- compile $ do
globalExecuteEV <- fromAddHandler ah
-- Set it up so it executes MomentIO actions passed to it
_ <- execute globalExecuteEV
return ()
actuate network
return $ Network { eventNetwork = network
, run = call -- IO Action to fire the event
-- To run a MomentIO action within the context of the network, pass it to the
-- event.
sync :: Network -> MomentIO a -> IO a
sync Network{run = call} f = do
-- To retrieve the result of the action we set up an IORef
ref <- newIORef (error "Network hasn't written result to ref")
-- (`call' passes the do-block to the event)
call $ do
res <- f
-- Put the result into the IORef
liftIO $ writeIORef ref res
-- and read it back once the event has finished firing
readIORef ref
-- Example
main :: IO ()
main = do
net <- newNet -- Create an empty network
(bhv1, set1) <- sync net $ newBehavior (0 :: Integer)
(bhv2, set2) <- sync net $ newBehavior (0 :: Integer)
set1 3
set2 7
let sumB = (liftA2 (+) bhv1 bhv2)
print =<< sync net (valueB sumB)
set1 5
print =<< sync net (valueB sumB)
return ()