
Trying to understand max heapify

I tried watching to understand heaps and heapsort but did not find this clear.

I do not understand the function of max-heapify. It seems like a recursive function, but then somehow it's said to run in logarithmic time because of the height of the tree.

To me this makes no sense. In the worst case, won't it have to reverse every single node? I don't see how this can be done without it touching every single node, repeatedly.


  • Here's what MAX-HEAPIFY does:

    Given a node at index i whose left and right subtrees are max-heaps, MAX-HEAPIFY moves the node at i down the max-heap until it no longer violates the max-heap property (that is, the node is not smaller than its children).

    The longest path that a node can take before it is in the proper position is equal to the starting height of the node. Each time the node needs to go down one more level in the tree, the algorithm will choose exactly one branch to take and will never backtrack. If the node being heapified is the root of the max-heap, then the longest path it can take is the height of the tree, or O(log n).

    MAX-HEAPIFY moves only one node. If you want to convert an array to a max-heap, you have to ensure that all of the subtrees are max-heaps before moving on to the root. You do this by calling MAX-HEAPIFY on n/2 nodes (leaves always satisfy the max-heap property).

    From CLRS:

    for i = floor(length(A)/2) downto 1
       do MAX-HEAPIFY(A,i)

    Since you call MAX-HEAPIFY O(n) times, building the entire heap is O(n log n).*

    * As mentioned in the comments, a tighter upper-bound of O(n) can be shown. See Section 6.3 of the 2nd and 3rd editions of CLRS for the analysis. (My 1st edition is packed away, so I wasn't able to verify the section number.)