
PHPPowerPoint Remove Legend From Bar Graph

I am using PHPPowerPoint to export a .ppt file using PHP. I am successful until now when I want to remove the legend from the Bar Graph.

The code which is generating the bar graph is:

$chart1 = new Bar();
$series = new Series('City Distribution', $timeseries);
$series->getFill()->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new Color('FF1dd2af'));


$gFill =  new Fill();
$gFill->setFillType(Fill::FILL_GRADIENT_PATH)->setRotation(90)->setStartColor(new Color( 'FF1dd2af' ))->setEndColor(new Color( 'FFFFFFFF' ));

$oFill = new Fill();
$oFill->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new Color('FFFFFFFF'));

$oShadow = new Shadow();

// Create a shape (chart)
$shape = $currentSlide->createChartShape();
//$shape->getAlignment()->setVertical( Alignment::VERTICAL_TOP );
$shape->setName('City Distribution')->setResizeProportional(false)->setHeight(300)->setWidth(250)->setOffsetX(25)->setOffsetY(200);
$shape->getTitle()->setText('City Distribution');
$shape->getPlotArea()->getAxisY()->setTitle('Number of Users');

This is working just fine but it is putting a legend box, which I want to remove. Any Idea?


  • Nevermind I figured out it by myself, all you need to do is:


    Put it below the line
