I am trying to load a template file in an AngularStrap popover, however I am having trouble using $templateCache. I seem to be a step further back than the other SO questions, hence this seemingly double one.
Following the API docs I added a <script type="text/ng-template" id="popoverTemplate.html"></script>
right before the closing </body>
tag. When I use <div ng-include="'popoverTemplate.html'"></div>
on my page, I get nothing. If I try using console.log($templateCache.get("popoverTemplate.html"))
I get "$templateCache is not defined", which leads me to assume I am missing a crucial step. However, I can't find how to do it in the docs or other SO questions.
EDIT: Injecting the service was the missing link. However, when I inject the service, the controller's other function no longer works, but if you inject al the function's parameters the working code becomes:
(function() {
"use strict";
angular.module("app").controller("managerController", ["$scope", "imageHierarchyRepository", "$templateCache", function ($scope, imageHierarchyRepository, $templateCache) {
imageHierarchyRepository.query(function(data) {
$scope.hierarchies = data;
var template = $templateCache.get("popoverTemplate.html");
To use the template script tag . You have to insert it inside the angular application. That is inside the element with the ng-app
attribute or the element used to bootstrap the app if you don't use the ng-app
<body ng-app="myapp">
<div ng-template="'myTemplate.html'"></div>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="myTemplate.html">
// whate ever
If you want to retrieve the template on a component of the application then you need to inject the service where you want to consume it:
controller('FooCtrl', ['$templateCache', function ($templateCache) {
var template = $templateCache.get('myTemplate.html');
controller('FooCtlr', FooCtrl);
FooCtrl ($templateCache) {};
FooCtrl.$inject = ['$templateCache'];
Do not register two controllers with the same name because then you override the first one with the last one.
(function() {
"use strict";
angular.module("app").controller("managerController",["$scope", "imageHierarchyRepository", "$templateCache", function ($scope, imageHierarchyRepository, $templateCache) {
var template = $templateCache.get("popoverTemplate.html");
imageHierarchyRepository.query(function(data) {
$scope.hierarchies = data;