
SharePoint Business Data Web Part custom

I'm currently working on a SharePoint website linked to an SQL Server database.

On one page, 1st part is a Business Data filter that sends information to the 2nd part, a Business data item, and the 3rd part, a Business data related list. You can see the page here

Any idea how Can I add a "Edit candidate" link in the Business data item Web part? And a "Add result" link in the Business data related list?

I just cannot figure it out. I'm quite new to SharePoint. Thanks for your help.


  • Business Data Item Webpart supports XSL file, so if you just want to add a link in your webparts then you can use XSLT file (In other terms, display templates) for this and customize the user interface including Edit Candidate and Add Result link.

    For more details about Business Data Item Webpart, you can visit this link:

    Hope this will help you!