EDIT: Apparently the script DOES run, but it just doesn't start my browser. Still don't know why tho.
I'm trying to use supervisor to run commands/scripts, but I don't seem to be able to get it to work.
I got the idea of the Pi_Video_looper that does the same with the following script :
# Supervisord configuration to run video looper at boot and
# ensure it runs continuously.
command=python -u -m Adafruit_Video_Looper.video_looper
So I modified it to my needs to this:
# Supervisord configuration to run video looper at boot and
# ensure it runs continuously.
command=chromium-browser http://google.be --incognito
I also used it with the command :
python /home/pi/Startup/Script.py
Which does some testing and then calls the browser, but doesn't do anything either, allthough it runs perfectly from commandline. Am I missing something?
EDIT: Doesn't work after reboot, doesn't work after a sudo service supervisor restart
EDIT 2 : Logfile shows that it should be running, so apparently it just doesn't open it in my GUI?:
2016-01-27 16:40:43,569 INFO daemonizing the supervisord process
2016-01-27 16:40:43,573 INFO supervisord started with pid 4767
2016-01-27 16:40:44,583 INFO spawned: 'video_looper' with pid 4773
2016-01-27 16:40:49,593 INFO success: video_looper entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 5 seconds (startsecs)
The working version below: The main issue here was that chromium can't be ran as root for some obscure reason
# Supervisord configuration to run chromium at boot and
# ensure it runs continuously.
command=chromium-browser http://google.be --incognito