
SQL Server stamp on exporting FOR XML

I am currently trying to export some data from SQL Server 2014 to a XML document. I've gotten help from here earlier on this project and I am very thankful for that.

At the moment the data is structured correctly and is as it should be, but unfortunately the server (Totalview server) that is picking up the XML document is very picky about it. SQL Server is adding a stamp on top of the document which looks like this:


Because of this stamp in the XML document, the Totalview server cannot load the file. I have looked on google alot and Microsoft's help pages but can't find anything about this, maybe I'm using the wrong words or looking wrong places, which is why I am asking in here with you great guys.

What I want is for this stamp to be replaced by this stamp:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

It doesn't matter how it's done and I have thought of making some kind of script that will change this after SQL Server outputs the XML file but it would be nice to get SQL Server to output it correctly in the first place so there is fewer steps that could fail, but is it the only way?

Kind regards and thanks in advance, I am very sorry for any mistakes made in this question, I am still quite new to this site.


SQL query as following:

    [forecastData/date/day] = Day(dDate),
    [forecastData/date/month] = month(dDate),
    [forecastData/date/year] = year(dDate),
    cast(([co_forecast]) as decimal(20,2)) AS [forecastData/dailyData/contactsReceived],
    cast(([AHT_Forecast]) as int) AS [forecastData/dailyData/averageAHT]
    dDate BETWEEN cast(getdate() as date) AND cast(getdate()+31 as date)
    [CTID], [dDate], [co_forecast], [AHT_Forecast]
FOR XML PATH ('ctForecast'), ROOT ('forecastImport')

Table structure is as following:

CTID    dDate   CO_Forecast AHT_Forecast
2   2016-01-15  167.75515   419.042510
2   2016-01-16  0.00000     0.000000
2   2016-01-17  0.00000     0.000000
2   2016-01-18  246.15381   382.407540
2   2016-01-19  238.35609   379.404340
2   2016-01-20  227.36992   444.473690
2   2016-01-21  232.43770   424.452350
2   2016-01-22  203.65597   403.429950
2   2016-01-23  0.00000     0.000000
2   2016-01-24  0.00000     0.000000


  • The answer to this question, is to disable column header when exporting to a file. In my case i am using Microsoft SQL 2014, so i went in to Tools->Options->Query Results->Results to Text, then remove the tick in 'Include Column headers in the result set'

    Even though the Totalview server still wont accept the output file, it did remove the stamp/column header so my question here is solved.

    Thank you all for your help.