
Creating project settings for GeoIP2 in Django

I'm trying to play around with GeoIP2 for Django, which require you to set the path to your country and city datasets in a GEOIP_PATH setting. My issue is that I don't know where I'm supposed to put this setting so that something like the Python shell can see it.

I assume it would go in, but I'm unsure as to the syntax for this particular module, and the Django documentation is absolute rubbish regarding this.


  • You're correct that it should be placed inside the file in Django. You should be able to find this file somewhere in your Django project/app. You then place the following in that file:

    GEOIP_PATH = '/path/to/your/geoip/datafiles'

    GEOIP willl then be able to locate the files it requires for usage in the application.


    If you want to try GeoIP2 for Django via a python shell you will have to follow the following steps (please note I'm using Windows for this answer, but it should be the same for linux based operating systems):

    Note: If you already have a Django project set up you can start at step 10.

    1. Make sure you have Python installed (I'm using Python 3.5.1 for this answer), inlucding pip.

    2. Install virtualenvwrapper: pip install virtualenvwrapper-win (or pip install virtualenvwrapper for non-windows install)

    3. Make a virtual environment for your project: mkvirtualenv GeoIP

    4. Install Django for this project: pip install django

    5. To check the installation succeeded execute django-admin --version, this should show you the version of the Django installtion, which is 1.9.1 for me. If you do not see this, make sure your python installation is correct.

    6. Create a directory where you want your projects to be saved. In my case I made a directory called Django: mkdir Django

    7. Move to this directory: cd Django

    8. Create a Django project: django-admin startproject geoip_test

    9. Move to the new directory Django created for you: cd geoip_test

    10. Install geoip2: pip install geoip2

    11. Create a directory to store the required datasets. Please note that these have to be unzipped: mkdir geoip. Place the files you downloaded and unzipped in this directory.

    12. Start a Django Python shell: python shell

    13. Import GeoIP2: >>> from django.contrib.gis.geoip2 import GeoIP2

    14. Create a GeoIP2 object by instantiating a class with a path to the location of the files you downloaded: >>> g = GeoIP2('geoip')

    15. Test that everything works: >>>'')
      {'country_code': 'US', 'country_name': 'United States'}