
MyBatis how can I generate different sql for different database backend

I'm using mybatis-spring 1.2.3 together with Spring4 to create a web application. The main data storage is MySQL in production environment, but I also use in-memory database H2 in unit testing.

MyBatis works well with both of MySQL and H2 in testing and production, but I come across a problem that one day I need to use force index(idx1) in a query to MySQL, which will cause a syntax error in unit testing as H2 hasn't supported force index. As the result, the unit testing is totally broken.

I want to know is there any way that MyBatis can handle such a situation? (type of database differs in testing and production, and their support of SQL grammar are not identical.)

Here is my mapper file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
  PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="myproject.mapper.UserMapper">
  <select id="getGameUsersForDate" resultType="myproject.dao.domain.GameUser">
    from game_user
    force index(idx1)
    game_id in
      <when test="gameIds.size() > 0">
        <foreach item="gameId" collection="gameIds" open="(" separator="," close=")">
    and uid in
      <when test="uids.size() > 0">
        <foreach item="uid" collection="mids" open="(" separator="," close=")">
    and `date` = #{date}


  • MyBatis provides multi-db vendor support that allows you to structure your SQL differently depending on the database vendor that you use. So you could wrap the problematic code in a test such as:

    <if test="_databaseId == 'mysql'">
       force index(idx1)

    See the relevant pieces of documentation here and here.