I am fetching records from the column data
using db.QueryRow from a table in postgresql. The Column has the type jsonb.
Go code
m := Message{}
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT data FROM message WHERE data->>'id'=$1"
, id).Scan(m.Id, m.Type, m.Title)
panic: sql: expected 1 destination arguments in Scan, not 3.
As per row.Scan can pass n number of destination arguments. Whats wrong with this code?
The query returns one field per row. The code is scanning for three. Perhaps you want something like:
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT data->>'id',
data->>'type', data->>'title' FROM message
WHERE data->>'id'=$1", id).Scan(m.Id, m.Type, m.Title)
// Also, pass pointers to the values:
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT data->>'id',
data->>'type', data->>'title' FROM message
WHERE data->>'id'=$1", id).Scan(&m.Id, &m.Type, &m.Title)
Another option is to fetch the data as a single field and decode the result with the encoding/json package.
var p []byte
err := db.QueryRow("SELECT data FROM message
WHERE data->>'id'=$1", id).Scan(&p)
if err != nil {
// handle error
var m Message
err := json.Unmarshal(p, &m)
if err != nil {
// handle error