
How can I implement newly built kernel in ChromiumOS?

I have been up and down trying to enable a new kernel I built for my Chromium OS, but I'm stuck at figuring out how I can tell the image build to use the new kernel vs the stock 3.14.0 that the build comes with.

I don't know where else to look, or what else to do. The kernel build script doesn't seem too helpful either, but I could very well be missing something. Is anyone else out there familiar with this by chance?

Thank you!

Edit: Sites I've looked at are below, just a small handful though of the many I've scoured through:!msg/chromium-os-dev/PVxdASizNP0/kpdIdozsb8gJ


  • So, in the event that someone in the future stumbles across this, I never did find a solution to implement the newest upstream kernel. Instead, I found out which kernel the image was using by default (in my case, v3.14), added my drivers (well, selected the modules) and ran the following commands as an amd64-generic build

    ~/trunk/src/scripts/./build_packages --board=amd64-generic # Yes, I know, you can export board = amd64-generic here, too.
    cros_workon --board=amd64-generic start sys-kenel/chromeos-kernel-3_14-9999
    cd ~/trunk/third_party/kernel/v3.14/
    ./chromeos/scripts/prepareconfig chromiumos-x86_64
    ./chromeos/scripts/kernelconfig editconfig # Answer the questions here in the menus.
    make mrproper
    cd ~/trunk/src/scripts/./build_packages --board=amd64-generic
    cros_workon --board=amd64-generic stop sys-kernel/chromeos-kernel-3_14-9999
    ./build_image --board=amd64-generic --noenable_rootfs_verification