
How to enable cpplint for c files in syntastic VIM

I am using cpplint with Syntastic on VIM, however I am not able to use cpplint for C files.

I enabled cpplint for cpp files using the following line in .vimrc file:

let g:syntastic_cpp_cpplint_exec = 'cpplint'

I tried using the same for c:

let g:syntastic_c_cpplint_exec = 'cpplint'

But it does not help. The SyntasticInfo command still does not list cpplint as a available checker.


  • 'cpplint' isn't included in the list of syntax checkers for C which are used by Syntastic: You can use only avrgcc, checkpatch, clang_check, clang_tidy, cppcheck, gcc, make, oclint, pc_lint, sparse, splint for C.