
Sonarqube Analysis org.joda.convert ERROR

Why do I get this error:

Class not found: org.joda.convert.ToString

None of my code uses this class (maven-based sonar analysis), and it doesn't seem to affect the analysis. However, I get worried whenever there are "[ERROR]" logs in the output. My exact command is:

mvn org.codehaus.mojo:sonar-maven-plugin:2.6:sonar

I switched to this because someone in another related answer suggested this...


  • This error message is logged by the analyzer whenever it tries to complete a symbol during semantic analysis and cannot find a .class file.

    This will happen wether your classes are using this class directly or transitively (via a dependence, or a dependence of a dependence, etc.). This is arguably an error per say in all cases but this is an important information for users to know because lacking some classes can lead to incomplete results (some issues might not be raised because symbols won't be resolved).