
Can I select an #include path using a script and command line args in an Inno Setup installer?

So the problem arises where I have a number of installations where most everything is the same except of course the files in the install. I have a suite of include files that are different.

So I thought, "Hey, lets simply add a command line argument to specify what file to include." I can get information from the command line argument in the Pascal code.

The problem comes when I try to use the information in the #include. The preprocessor seems to know nothing about the Pascal scripting. That makes sense, except that I want it to know. for example, I can't do this:

#include "{code:GetMyArgument}"

or this:

#include {param:foo|bar}

So the question is really: How can I set a #include to include a path file that I set in the command line arguments? or some other dynamic method... I can think of one. I just don't like my way: I don't like the idea of moving files around or changing file contents on the fly for this, my/this/these solutions smell, I think. Is there a better way?

I am on version 5.5.6(u) of Inno Setup.


  • Just use a preprocessor variable:

    #include IncludePath

    And specify its value on compiler's command-line:

    ISCC.exe Example1.iss /DIncludePath=Other.iss

    Meaning of the /D switch:

    /D<name>[=<value>] Emulate #define public <name> <value>

    If you are using an Inno Setup IDE that does not support setting compiler's command-line arguments (like Inno Script Studio), you can base the included script's filename on some installer's option, like AppId, AppName, OutputBaseFilename, etc.

    For example for a name based on the AppName, use:

    #include SetupSetting("AppName") + ".iss"

    Note that this works only if the #include directive, with the call to SetupSetting preprocessor function, is after the respective [Setup] section directive.

    Yet another option is to reverse the include.

    A main .iss is project-specific and it includes a shared .iss:

    Project-specific .iss:

    ; Project-specific settings
    ; Project specific files
    ; Include shared script
    #include "shared.iss"

    Note that it's perfectly OK, if the sections repeat. So the shared.iss can include again both [Setup] and [Files] sections with other directives and files.