
Is there any program like LINQPad for Java?

I've found LINQPad to be extremely useful when answering StackOverflow questions for C# or VB.NET. It allows me to write up some quick code, run it, and (if I want) see a nicely-formatted dump of the results. That way I can be sure that the code I post actually runs. Thus far I haven't seen anything that I can use to achieve the same result with Java. Is there anything like that out there?

I am not looking for something to query data sources; I just want a light-weight IDE. These are the features I'm particularly interested in:


  • [JPad] - A java scratchpad for running snippets

    JPAD Java scratchpad IDE

    Since I also couldn't find one I've decided to write one. Currently it can:

    1. Run java snippets (no class / imports / public blah... needed).
    2. Contains drivers for MS/MySQL/Postgres.
    3. Output results as HTML tables

    It's very rough but I will add to it over time. Feedback is definitely welcome.