I have a data frame, from which I can select a column (series) as follows:
275488 90
275490 35
275491 60
275492 23
275493 23
275494 34
275495 75
275496 40
275497 69
275498 14
275499 83
... ...
value_rank is a previously created percentile rank from a larger data-set. What I am trying to do, is to create bins of this data set, e.g. quintile
pd.qcut(df.value_rank, 5, labels=False)
275488 4
275490 1
275491 3
275492 1
275493 1
275494 1
275495 3
275496 2
... ...
This appears fine, as expected, but it isn't.
In fact, I have 1569 columns. The nearest number divisible by 5 bins is 1565 which should give 1565 / 5 = 313 observations in each bin. There are 4 extra records, so I would expect to have 4 bins with 314 observations, and one with 313 observations. Instead, I get this:
obs = pd.qcut(df.value_rank, 5, labels=False)
0 329
3 314
1 313
4 311
2 302
I have no nans in df, and cannot think of any reason why this is happening. Literally beginning to tear my hair out!
Here is a small example:
286742 11
286835 53
286865 40
286930 31
286936 45
286955 27
287031 30
287111 36
287269 30
287310 18
pd.qcut gives this:
pd.qcut(df.value_rank, 5, labels = False).value_counts()
bin count
1 3
4 2
3 2
0 2
2 1
There should be 2 observations in each bin, not 3 in bin 1 and 1 in bin 2!
qcut is trying to compensate for repeating values. This is easier to visualize if you return the bin limits along with your qcut results:
In [42]: test_list = [ 11, 18, 27, 30, 30, 31, 36, 40, 45, 53 ]
In [43]: test_series = pd.Series(test_list, name='value_rank')
In [49]: pd.qcut(test_series, 5, retbins=True, labels=False)
(array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]),
array([ 11. , 25.2, 30. , 33. , 41. , 53. ]))
You can see that there was no choice but to set the bin limit at 30, so qcut had to "steal" one from the expected values in the third bin and place them in the second. I'm thinking that this is just happening at a larger scale with your percentiles since you're basically condensing their ranks into a 1 to 100 scale. Any reason not to just run qcut directly on the data instead of the percentiles or return percentiles that have greater precision?