I am writing a git hook that spell checks my commit messages. This is what I have so far:
ASPELL=$(which aspell)
WORDS=$($ASPELL list < "$1")
if [ -n "$WORDS" ]; then
echo -e "Possible spelling errors found in commit message. Consider using git commit --amend to change the message.\n\tPossible mispelled words: " $WORDS
I'm not sure how to tell aspell that I want to ignore lines that are indented (two or more spaces). This will avoid annoying messages about file names, comments, etc.
Thank you!
Are you doing EECS 398 by any chance?
Just giving you a hint without breaking the honor code.
Put the commit message into a text file. Use a text editor to delete the indented lines from the text file. Then put the text file through aspell.