I have a maven project with dependency:
And have a test class suite like so:
import java.util.{LinkedHashMap => jLinkedHashMap, ArrayList => jArrayList, Arrays}
import org.scalatest._
class NeutralizeEITSuite extends FunSuite with Matchers {
val nEIT = new NeutralizeEIT()
test("Valid content category 'MiniSeries' is neutralized to 'TV Entertainment':") {
val result = neutralizedEIT(content_category = "MiniSeries")
val content_category = getStringValueFromEIT("content_category", result)
content_category should equal ("TV Entertainment")
I get an error during compilation that I do not understand:
[INFO] includes = [**/*.scala,**/*.java,]
[INFO] excludes = []
[INFO] C:\PROJECTS\active\Farallon\Hyperion\master\src\test\java:-1: info: compiling
[INFO] Compiling 10 source files to C:\PROJECTS\active\Farallon\Hyperion\master\target\test-classes at 1454551605523
[ERROR] error: error while loading Suite, Scala signature Suite has wrong version
[INFO] expected: 5.0
[INFO] found: 4.1 in Suite.class
[ERROR] C:\PROJECTS\active\Farallon\Hyperion\master\src\test\java\com\mycompany\ese\ingest\NeutralizeEITSuite.scala:9: error: illegal inheritance;
[INFO] self-type com.mycompany.ese.ingest.neutralizeEITSuite does not conform to org.scalatest.FunSuite's selftype org.scalatest.FunSuite
[INFO] class neutralizeEITSuite extends FunSuite with Matchers {
[INFO] ^
[ERROR] C:\PROJECTS\active\Farallon\Hyperion\master\src\test\java\com\mycompany\ese\ingest\NeutralizeEITSuite.scala:9: error: illegal inheritance;
[INFO] self-type com.mycompany.ese.ingest.neutralizeEITSuite does not conform to org.scalatest.Matchers's selftype org.scalatest.Matchers
[INFO] class neutralizeEITSuite extends FunSuite with Matchers {
[INFO] ^
[ERROR] C:\PROJECTS\active\Farallon\Hyperion\master\src\test\java\com\mycompany\ese\ingest\NeutralizeEITSuite.scala:15: error: recursive value result needs type
[INFO] val content_category = getStringValueFromEIT("content_category", result)
I've tried googling the error but no results. I don't have additional org.scalatest dependencies in my pom.xml
Where is this version 4.1 and 5.0 for FunSuite?
The problem was fixed by updaing the scala specs dependency in my pom