Given a simple domain with an injected service, which is used to perform a certain validation inside a constraint, like:
package org.example.domain
class Ninja {
String name
String sensei
String village
def ninjaService
static transients = ['ninjaService']
static constraints = {
village nullable:true, validator:{ val, obj, errors ->
And a simple Spec, which stubs the service behavior, such:
package org.example.domain
import grails.test.mixin.Mock
import spock.lang.Specification
import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
class NinjaSpec extends Specification {
def 'Should succeed at validating the village using a stubbed method'() {
def instance = new Ninja(village: 'Leaf')
instance.ninjaService = Mock(NinjaService)
1 * instance.ninjaService.validate(instance) >> { final Ninja ninja ->
ninja.errors.rejectValue 'village', '', [].toArray(), null
ninja.log.debug "[NINJA SERVICE MOCK] (VALIDATING) 'village' FIRED! ninja.errors['village']?.code: '${ninja.errors['village']?.code}'"
instance.errors['village']?.code == ''
Then, what happens is that the instance.errors['village']?.code is null. Check it out:
grails test-app unit:spock -clean -echoOut NinjaSpec
| Compiling 121 source files
| Running 1 spock test... 1 of 1
--Output from Should succeed at validating the village via mock--
2016-02-04 19:51:00.219 [main]
DEBUG [NINJA SERVICE MOCK] (VALIDATING) 'village' FIRED! ninja.errors['village']?.code: ''
| Failure: Should succeed at validating the village via mock(org.example.domain.NinjaSpec)
| Condition not satisfied:
instance.errors['village']?.code == ''
| | | | |
| | null null false
| org.grails.datastore.mapping.validation.ValidationErrors: 0 errors
org.example.domain.Ninja : (unsaved)
at org.example.domain.NinjaSpec.Should succeed at validating the village via mock(NinjaSpec.groovy:36)
| Completed 1 Spock test, 1 failed in 2032ms
Why doesn't the instance hold the code that had been set inside the stub interaction?
As it seems you are not using the service but a mock, so it might not be validating anything. Try to create an instance of the service instead of mocking it.