For instance i want to fork some existing clojar, extend it and use in my project.
How i can do this w/o pushing to clojars/maven?
Interested in both options: link to github and local path.
What i want is to include some existing Clojure project as dependency, similar like ruby gem allows. Is this possible with Boot? Or i always need to compile to java?
Here is how I have setup my fork of castra
on the castra-simple
example for hoplon.
open shell
git clone castra:repo
in castra dir
file: build.boot
; ...
(def +version+ "3.0.0-SNAPSHOT")
; ...
boot watch build-jar
open new shell
git clone castra-simple:repo
in castra-simple
;; ...
[hoplon/castra "3.0.0-SNAPSHOT"] ;;forked repo
;; ...
:source-paths #{"src"}
:resource-paths #{"assets"})
;; ...
(deftask dev
"Build castra-simple for local development."
:handler 'app.handler/app
:reload true
:port 8000)
(watch) (speak) (hoplon) (reload) (cljs-repl) (cljs)
;;forked repo
(checkout :dependencies '[[hoplon/castra "3.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]])))
boot dev