
How to call a method object with standard functions

How does one call a method object as a function?

Closer-mop and clos packages both provide method-function for turning a method object into a function. However, is there a way to do it without including another package? And if not, which package? (Using SBCL), but if a package is needed then how does the discrimination function do it?

Here is an example of using find-method to get a method object. The question is then how to call method-to-be-called.

(defclass a () ((x :accessor x :initform 0)))
(defgeneric inc (i))
(defmethod inc ((i a)) (incf (x i)))
(defvar r (make-instance 'a))

;; ... in a land far far away:    
(defvar method-to-be-called (find-method #'inc '() '(a)))

(funcall method-to-be-called r);; crashes and burns

As a secondary question, the docs say that the discrimination function first tries to compute-applicable-methods-by-class to find a method object, and if that fails, it uses compute-applicable-methods. Why do this two layer approach? Is it correct to assume the find-method is doing this two layer approach, so it is better to use find-method ?

-- Appendix -- In the comments below Rainer Joswig pointed out that this find-method form is implementation dependent:

(find-method #'inc '() '(a))) ; works on sbcl 1.3.1

He says the specifier list should be classes and suggests instead:

(find-method #'inc '() (list (find-class 'a))))

So I thought to just put my class in there:

(find-method #'inc '() (list a))  ; crashes and burns

Apparently (defclass a ... ) does not set a to a class. In fact it doesn't set it to anything!

* (defclass a () ((x :accessor x :initform 0)))
* a

... The variable A is unbound.

However, this works:

* (defvar ca (defclass a () ((x :accessor x :initform 0))))
* (defmethod inc ((i a)) (incf (x i)))
WARNING: Implicitly creating new generic function COMMON-LISP-USER::INC.
enter code here
* (find-method #'inc '() (list ca))   

So a class is the return value from the defclass, not the value of the symbol that is provided to defclass.


  • For the particular case of method-function, closer-mop for SBCL simply reexport the existing symbol from sb-pcl, as seen in closer-mop-packages.lisp. The whole file make use of read-time conditionals (see Use of Implementation-Defined Language Features). That means that if you are working with SBCL, you might call sb-pcl:method-function (PCL means Portable Common Loops).

    The generic function compute-applicable-methods-by-class allows you to know which methods are applicable given classes. This is useful if you don't have actual instances on which you can operate. It seems also that compute-applicable-methods-using-classes allows the implementation to memoize the applicable methods when the second return value is true. This generic method does not allow you to find applicable methods specialized with eql specializers.

    I am speculating here, but it makes sense to fall back on compute-applicable-methods to allow for example eql-specializers or because it is slightly easier to define a method for compute-applicable-methods. Note the paragraph about consistency:

    The following consistency relationship between compute-applicable-methods-using-classes and compute-applicable-methods must be maintained: for any given generic function and set of arguments, if compute-applicable-methods-using-classes returns a second value of true, the first value must be equal to the value that would be returned by a corresponding call to compute-applicable-methods. The results are undefined if a portable method on either of these generic functions causes this consistency to be violated.

    I don't think there is a find-method-using-classes generic function specified anywhere.