Is it possible to configure Converse.js to render it's boxes into custom div
containers instead of adding them to the body of the page?
Yes, you can do this by writing a converse.js plugin in which you override the insertIntoPage method of ChatBoxView
Refer to the plugin documentation I linked to above. In short, it would look something like this:
// The following line registers your plugin.
converse_api.plugins.add('myplugin', {
overrides: {
// If you want to override some function or a Backbone model or
// view defined inside converse, then you do that under this
// "overrides" namespace.
ChatBoxView: {
insertIntoPage: function (type, status_message, jid) {
// XXX Your custom code comes here.
// The standard code looks as follows:
return this;
UPDATE: Since recent versions of converse.js, the method to override is instead _ensureElement and not insertIntoPage