
CloudKit Server-to-Server authentication

Apple published a new method to authenticate against CloudKit, server-to-server.

I tried to authenticate against CloudKit and this method. At first I generated the key pair and gave the public key to CloudKit, no problem so far.

I started to build the request header. According to the documentation it should look like this:

X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-KeyID: [keyID]  
X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-ISO8601Date: [date]  
X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-SignatureV1: [signature]

The documentation says:

The signature created in Step 1.

Step 1 says:

Concatenate the following parameters and separate them with colons.
[Current date]:[Request body]:[Web Service URL]

I asked myself "Why do I have to generate the key pair?".
But step 2 says:

Compute the ECDSA signature of this message with your private key.

Maybe they mean to sign the concatenated signature with the private key and put this into the header? Anyway I tried both...

My sample for this (unsigned) signature value looks like:

2016-02-06T20:41:00Z:YTdkNzAwYTllNjI1M2EyZTllNDNiZjVmYjg0MWFhMGRiMTE2MjI1NTYwNTA2YzQyODc4MjUwNTQ0YTE5YTg4Yw==:[iCloud Container]/development/public/records/lookup  

The request body value is SHA256 hashed and after that base64 encoded. My question is, I should concatenate with a ":" but the url and the date also contains ":". Is it correct? (I also tried to URL-Encode the URL and delete the ":" in the date).
At next I signed this signature string with ECDSA, put it into the header and send it. But I always get 401 "Authentication failed" back. To sign it, I used the ecdsa python module, with following commands:

from ecdsa import SigningKey  
a = SigningKey.from_pem(open("path_to_pem_file").read())  
b = "[date]:[base64(request_body)]:/database/1/iCloud....."  
print a.sign(b).encode('hex')

Maybe the python module doesn't work correctly. But it can generate the right public key from the private key. So I hope the other functions also work.

Has anybody managed to authenticate against CloudKit with the server-to-server method? How does it work correctly?

Edit: Correct python version that works

from ecdsa import SigningKey
import ecdsa, base64, hashlib  

a = SigningKey.from_pem(open("path_to_pem_file").read())  
b = "[date]:[base64(sha256(request_body))]:/database/1/iCloud....."  
signature = a.sign(b, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256, sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_der)  
signature = base64.b64encode(signature)
print signature #include this into the header


  • The last part of the message

    [Current date]:[Request body]:[Web Service URL]

    must not include the domain (it must include any query parameters):

    2016-02-06T20:41:00Z:YTdkNzAwYTllNjI1M2EyZTllNDNiZjVmYjg0MWFhMGRiMTE2MjI1NTYwNTA2YzQyODc4MjUwNTQ0YTE5YTg4Yw==:/database/1/[iCloud Container]/development/public/records/lookup

    With newlines for better readability:

    :/database/1/[iCloud Container]/development/public/records/lookup

    The following shows how to compute the header value in pseudocode

    The exact API calls depend on the concrete language and crypto library you use.

    //1. Date
    //Example: 2016-02-07T18:58:24Z
    //Pitfall: make sure to not include milliseconds
    date = isoDateWithoutMilliseconds() 
    //2. Payload
    //Example (empty string base64 encoded; GET requests):
    //Pitfall: make sure the output is base64 encoded (not hex)
    payload = base64encode(sha256(body))  
    //3. Path
    //Example: /database/1/[containerIdentifier]/development/public/records/lookup
    //Pitfall: Don't include the domain; do include any query parameter
    path = stripDomainKeepQueryParams(url) 
    //4. Message
    //Join date, payload, and path with colons
    message = date + ':' + payload + ':' + path
    //5. Compute a signature for the message using your private key.
    //This step looks very different for every language/crypto lib.
    //Pitfall: make sure the output is base64 encoded.
    //Hint: the key itself contains information about the signature algorithm 
    //      (on NodeJS you can use the signature name 'RSA-SHA256' to compute a 
    //      the correct ECDSA signature with an ECDSA key).
    signature = base64encode(sign(message, key))
    //6. Set headers
    X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-KeyID = keyID 
    X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-ISO8601Date = date  
    X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-SignatureV1 = signature
    //7. For POST requests, don't forget to actually send the unsigned request body
    //   (not just the headers)