I am following the CodeCentral article on how to extend the project menu in Delphi IDE, using IOTAProjectManager.
The sample wizard code on code-central does this:
procedure Register;
FNotifierIndex := (BorlandIDEServices as IOTAProjectManager).AddMenuCreatorNotifier(TMyContextMenu.Create); // deprecated.
What is the new technique to register a context menu such as the project menu one? Note that this was deprecated without even making it onto the docwiki.
Screenshot of desired result:
Update: I could not find any up to date tutorials including code. There is a PDF whitepaper on Embarcadero's website but the code samples from that whitepaper by Bruno Fierens are not anywhere on the web. I made an answer below with a working example, which is on bitbucket, you can download the zip below.
If you look at the source code in $(BDS)\Source\ToolsAPI\ToolsAPI.pas
, the declaration of IOTAProjectManager.AddMenuCreatorNotifier()
This function is deprecated -- use AddMenuItemCreatorNotifier instead
And also, the declaration of INTAProjectMenuCreatorNotifier
This notifier is deprecated. Use IOTAProjectMenuItemCreatorNotifier instead. It supports adding menu items for multi-selected items in the Project Manager.
Here are the relevant declarations and descriptions. Note the comments:
{ This notifier is deprecated. Use IOTAProjectMenuItemCreatorNotifier instead.
It supports adding menu items for multi-selected items in the Project Manager. }
INTAProjectMenuCreatorNotifier = interface(IOTANotifier)
{ The result will be inserted into the project manager local menu. Menu
may have child menus. }
function AddMenu(const Ident: string): TMenuItem;
{ Return True if you wish to install a project manager menu item for this
ident. In cases where the project manager node is a file Ident will be
a fully qualified file name. }
function CanHandle(const Ident: string): Boolean;
IOTAProjectMenuItemCreatorNotifier = interface(IOTANotifier)
{ For each menu item you wish to add to the project manager for the given
list of idents, add an IOTAProjectManagerMenu to the ProjectManagerMenuList.
An example of a value for IdentList is sFileContainer and the name of the
file, look above in this file for other constants. }
procedure AddMenu(const Project: IOTAProject; const IdentList: TStrings;
const ProjectManagerMenuList: IInterfaceList; IsMultiSelect: Boolean);
IOTAProjectManager = interface(IInterface)
{ This function is deprecated -- use AddMenuItemCreatorNotifier instead }
function AddMenuCreatorNotifier(const Notifier: INTAProjectMenuCreatorNotifier): Integer; deprecated;
{ Adds a menu notifier, which allows you to customize the local menu of the
project manager }
function AddMenuItemCreatorNotifier(const Notifier: IOTAProjectMenuItemCreatorNotifier): Integer;
{ This function is deprecated -- use RemoveMenuItemCreatorNotifier instead }
procedure RemoveMenuCreatorNotifier(Index: Integer); deprecated;
{ Removes a previously added menu notifier }
procedure RemoveMenuItemCreatorNotifier(Index: Integer);
{ This is meant to be an abstract interface that describes a menu context that
can be passed to an IOTALocalMenu-descendant's Execute method. }
IOTAMenuContext = interface(IInterface)
{ Returns the identifier for this context }
function GetIdent: string;
{ Returns the verb for this context }
function GetVerb: string;
property Ident: string read GetIdent;
property Verb: string read GetVerb;
{ This is meant to be an abstract interface that describes a local menu item
in an IDE view. Specific views that can have their local menus customized
will provide a descendant interface to be used for that view }
IOTALocalMenu = interface(IOTANotifier)
{ Returns the Caption to be used for this menu item }
function GetCaption: string;
{ Returns the Checked state to be used for this menu item }
function GetChecked: Boolean;
{ Returns the Enabled state to be used for this menu item }
function GetEnabled: Boolean;
{ Returns the help context to be used for this menu item }
function GetHelpContext: Integer;
{ Returns the Name for this menu item. If blank, a name will be generated }
function GetName: string;
{ Returns the parent menu for this menu item }
function GetParent: string;
{ Returns the position of this menu item within the menu }
function GetPosition: Integer;
{ Returns the verb associated with this menu item }
function GetVerb: string;
{ Sets the Caption of the menu item to the specified value }
procedure SetCaption(const Value: string);
{ Sets the Checked state of the menu item to the specified value }
procedure SetChecked(Value: Boolean);
{ Sets the Enabled state of the menu item to the specified value }
procedure SetEnabled(Value: Boolean);
{ Sets the help context of the menu item to the specified value }
procedure SetHelpContext(Value: Integer);
{ Sets the Name of the menu item to the specified value }
procedure SetName(const Value: string);
{ Sets the Parent of the menu item to the specified value }
procedure SetParent(const Value: string);
{ Sets the position of the menu item to the specified value }
procedure SetPosition(Value: Integer);
{ Sets the verb associated with the menu item to the specified value }
procedure SetVerb(const Value: string);
property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption;
property Checked: Boolean read GetChecked write SetChecked;
property Enabled: Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled;
property HelpContext: Integer read GetHelpContext write SetHelpContext;
property Name: string read GetName write SetName;
property Parent: string read GetParent write SetParent;
property Position: Integer read GetPosition write SetPosition;
property Verb: string read GetVerb write SetVerb;
{ This is the context used for Project Manager local menu items. The list
passed to IOTAProjectManagerMenu.Execute will be a list of these interfaces }
IOTAProjectMenuContext = interface(IOTAMenuContext)
{ Returns the project associated with the menu item }
function GetProject: IOTAProject;
property Project: IOTAProject read GetProject;
{ This is a Project Manager specific local menu item }
IOTAProjectManagerMenu = interface(IOTALocalMenu)
{ Indicates whether or not this menu item supports multi-selected items }
function GetIsMultiSelectable: Boolean;
{ Sets this menu item's multi-selected state }
procedure SetIsMultiSelectable(Value: Boolean);
{ Execute is called when the menu item is selected. MenuContextList is a
list of IOTAProjectMenuContext. Each item in the list represents an item
in the project manager that is selected }
procedure Execute(const MenuContextList: IInterfaceList); overload;
{ PreExecute is called before the Execute method. MenuContextList is a list
of IOTAProjectMenuContext. Each item in the list represents an item in
the project manager that is selected }
function PreExecute(const MenuContextList: IInterfaceList): Boolean;
{ PostExecute is called after the Execute method. MenuContextList is a list
of IOTAProjectMenuContext. Each item in the list represents an item in
the project manager that is selected }
function PostExecute(const MenuContextList: IInterfaceList): Boolean;
property IsMultiSelectable: Boolean read GetIsMultiSelectable write SetIsMultiSelectable;