I’m trying to initialise a simple data model object with some JSON from SwiftyJSON
. I’d like the initialiser to fail and return nil if any of the required JSON values aren’t present. Here’s my code:
class ProductCategory: NSObject {
let id: String
let sortOrder: Int
let name: String
let imageURL: String
let ranges: [String]
init?(json: JSON) {
if let jsonID = json["id"].string,
jsonSortOrder = json["sortOrder"].int,
jsonName = json["name"].string,
jsonImageURL = json["imageURL"].string {
id = jsonID
sortOrder = jsonSortOrder
name = jsonName
imageURL = jsonImageURL
ranges = json["ranges"].arrayValue.map { $0.string! }
} else {
return nil
I’d expect this to work. In the event that we didn’t hit all those json values, simply return nil and bail out. However, I get an error on the return nil
, stating:
All stored properties of a class instance must be initialized before returning nil from an initializer.
I’m confused: isn’t the point of a failable initializer that I can bail out without setting it up if something goes wrong? The object returned would be nil
, why would there be any value in setting up its properties?
Failable Initializers for Classes:
"For classes, however, a failable initializer can trigger an initialization failure only after all stored properties introduced by that class have been set to an initial value and any initializer delegation has taken place."
init?(json: JSON) {
self.id = json["id"].string
self.sortOrder = json["sortOrder"].int
if ... { return nil }